A conversation with Vogue Accessories Editor, Brooke Ely Danielson, on training for the NYC Marathon, finding the perfect accessory, and how staying fit and strong helps brings her into focus and balance.
We were lucky enough to sit down and talk with Vogue Accessories Editor, Brooke Ely Danielson, before she hits the pavement and runs in the NYC marathon, her first ever, which is now just over a week away.
Q: We profile women who inspire. And you certainly fit that bill. We understand that you are racing as a part of the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF) Team for Cures. Tell us more about this and why it is important to you.
A: Multiple Myeloma affects 30,000 adults in the United States, two of whom are parents of my dearest friends. In life, there is no greater support than friends or family, so I decided the best way to be there for my friends who are going through this ordeal was to get involved with the MMRF organization, and raise awareness and funds to find a cure. Knowledge is power, and together we can make a difference.
Q: We are so taken by your healthy glow! It seems to radiate from your core. Has this always been the case, or is this an accessory to your marathon training?
A: I would like to think this has always been the case, however marathon training has certainly helped. I am a bit neurotic when it comes to my skin regime, which consists of facials every 6 weeks. In addition, I do not eat refined sugars, dairy, processed foods nor do I use any harsh chemicals on my skin. It is really important to hydrate as well. Hydrating is key when you are logging 18 plus miles on training runs.
Q: You know accessories better than anyone! What are your top 3 favorite accessories for your training and workouts?
A: My apple watch, wireless headphones and my media pack. The media pack is crucial to my training as it can hold my phone, keys, credit card, ID, ginger chews and a Clif Bar.
Q: Workout to work? Do you ever wear your activewear to the office? What tips do you have for us to do this right?
A: This may be a dirty secret or confession but occasionally I do activewear to the office. More often than not, around 4pm, I have the urge to change out of my day clothes and slip into my running gear. It feels really comfortable and natural to me, almost like second skin. If I incorporate activewear into my day look for work it is usually black compression tights under a big sweater with boots.
Q: Half or full? Do you prefer the 13.1 or the 26.2?
A: TBD, my first full is November 6th, 2016. Eight days to go!
Q: Morning or night? When is your favorite time to run?
A: The morning! I wake up at 5:45 to have a cup of coffee, stretch, then hit the road for an hour or so. It is the best time to run as it clears my head for the day. It’s just me, my thoughts and the road.
Q: Together or alone? What’s the best way to experience a great run?
A: Alone. I like to get lost in my thoughts. After mile eight, my body clicks in and I experience what they call “runner’s high.”
Q: City or Nature? Where is your most favorite place to run?
A: Both. I’ve run the New Jersey river path all the way to Central Park. I like both city and nature, so it’s hard to choose one as they are so different. Let me tell you - trail running is amazing and no joke. That is something I want to explore more of.
Q: Endorphin rush… better after completing a great run or finding that perfect, new must-have accessory?
A: A run, absolutely. There is no better feeling than hitting 15, 18 or 20 miles. It’s a true test of the mind and the body’s strength.
Q: We don’t see you hanging up your running shoes anytime soon. Next goal? Next race?
A: I am running the London Marathon in 2017 for Place2Be on behalf of the HeadsTogether campaign to raise awareness for Mental Health issues.
Q: Beautiful inside and out - you’ve inspired us to take a look at how we can look within, do more for ourselves and others, and have some great fun while we’re at it. In closing, do you have a quotation you can share with us that best symbolizes your dedication to running, taking good care of yourself, and living life to its fullest?
A: It is not sacrifice, it is dedication. One foot in front of the other will take you far, and to some places you may never have anticipated.
What a fantastic quote. And what an amazing person. Thank you, Brooke! Good luck, have fun, run fast and well. We will be cheering for you on November 6th and beyond.