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Thankful for... Fitness + Inspiration + Fun

A few fun, quick-shot questions, for the fearless, fittest, Fusion’ist girl we know to help us get ready for the holidays, which are fast-approaching…. 

Q: Best tip for staying fit and on-track during the holiday season? 
A: Be sure to eat a healthy snack and drink 2 glasses of water before heading out to holiday parties and happy hours.  And, whatever you do, DON’T skip your workouts just because life is hectic during the holidays! 
Q: Stuffed from stuffing… Best exercise to keep our abs flat and our energy strong.
A: Plank variations…  Bent-arm plank, plank knee-pulls, plank knee-drops, and plank hip-dips.
Q: Sweat then Sweet: Favorite high-intensity sweat session and favorite sweet treat? 
A: SWEAT… I love HIIT (high intensity interval classes). These classes are fun! I am drenched in sweat after the first 5 minutes.  SWEET… Dark chocolate covered frozen bananas!
Q: PG or R:  Pumpkin Pie or Naughty Pumpkin Cocktail (with pumpkin pie infused vodka) 
A: R rated please! If I am going to consume those calories… the pumpkin cocktail is my choice!
Q: Favorite get-psyched song for Thanksgiving to get us in the full-on holiday-spirit?       
A: Liquid Spirit from Gregory Porter. This tune has a great beat. It’s motivating and fun to move to! 
Q: Through your high-energy, super-fun Fusion program, you have created such a positive, awesome, welcoming, tight-knit community. We are certain your “Fusionistas” are very thankful for you and for Fusion. For whom — or what — are you the most thankful?
A: My husband. He makes sacrifices for our family and our studios on a daily basis. And, all the while, he is excelling at his own career. He builds up my self-confidence, and he also takes care of the unfavorable tasks at the studio (think, toilets, light bulbs, taxes, etc…).
Q: Getting ready for the holidays, so we’re making a list… “Mom, Entrepreneur, Bad Ass, Legend, Motivator, Wife, Athlete, Good-Time Bringer, Rockstar…” What else should be on this list to describe you?
A: Those are all very kind. I am flattered! Thank you. If I had to add one, it would be Loyal Friend. I could not do what I do without the amazing friends who surround, support and work with me. I am so lucky to have such great friends. And I truly believe the best way to have and keep great friends is to be a great friend yourself. I love and treat my friends the best way I can, and I would do anything for them.  The best part of owning your own business is that you are the decision-maker and get to choose who works with you. Every girl I work with is a girl I would also pick to be my friend! This is huge part of what makes Fusion so special.

We are so thankful to Darby and Fusion Fitness for giving us some great workout and healthy eating tips to use as we head into the holiday season. If you liked the workout you saw today, you can find more great workouts on the Fusion Fitness Dream Body and Sweat Lab DVDs. PLUS you can get an extra 20% off by using code helenjon at checkout. 

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